You can find below the list of projects I made. They are grouped in different categories depending on the skills I developed while working on them.
FullStack developper at Galadrim. Development of websites and mobile applications in constant supervision of the clients. Used a wide range of technologies such as NodeJS, React, React Native, AWS and Python.
6 months internship at LS2N, Nantes' University computer science research laboratory. Wrote a paper on learning from small datasets.
Indie game developped for the Ludum Dare 53 competition. In collaboration with Anthime Huchet.
CScool Prototype
Prototype of a 3D model viewer for urban climate simulation. 3 months internship at Soleneos.
BDD Polytech
App for students to order fresh vegetables and fruits from local producers every week.
Artificial intelligence made to play the online game KDice, a Risk-like game.
Submission to the third Blackthornprod Game Jam. Also made in collaboration with Anthime Huchet in a limited time.
Remake of Google Hash Code. Optimization of a smartphone factory's production chain.